• Denizli Deri İhtisas  OSB Kaklik Mahallesi 1 Sokak No 13 Post Code 20330 Honaz Denizli/TURKEY


Sole Leather usaed tannins

Sole Leather usaed tannins

 Since these plant tannins do not have a single substance character, they are divided into two groups.

A) Hydrolyzed Tannins

B) Condensed Tannins

A) Hydrolyzed Tannins

Tanins in this group are also called progallo group tannins. When their aqueous solutions are heated with HCI, they break down into smaller molecules. The important tanning materials in this group are chestnut, acorn, sumac and gall tannins.

B) Condensed Tannins

Tannins in this group are not hydrolyzed and are difficult to isolate. The important tannins in this group are mimosa, kebroka and mangrove tannins.

We produce by mixing mimosa, kebroka, chestnut plant tannins in our Sole Leather production.